Scaling Scalps

Scalps can be scaly for a number of reasons: underlying medical conditions like psoriasis, or fungal infections (ringworm or dandruff), irritation from hair products, or scaling from sun damage, actinic keratoses or skin cancers. It can be associated with itch or tenderness and should be addressed. With so many underlying causes of scaling in the scalp, it's important to see an expert. Let Patricia O'Connor, MD, and the team at Absolute Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, take care of your scalp. Book your appointment today by calling the Richmond-area office nearest you, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

What causes Scaling Scalp?

Plaque psoriasis: Just like psoriasis can cause thick, red, and scaling plaques on the knees and elbows, it can affect the scalp. This inflammation and scaling can cause itch and tenderness and extend onto the ears.

Tinea capitis: Commonly called ringworm, tinea capitis is a fungal infection on the scalp common in children. Risk factors are warm and humid climates or frequent contact with pets.

Seborrheic Dermatitis (Dandruff): The most common presentation of dandruff is the sensitivity to yeast. It tends to come and go and requires constant management.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis: We all want our hair to smell nice and don't want mold growing in our hair care products. Fragrance and preservatives are two of the most common skin irritants and, when in our hair care products, can lead to redness, scaling, and sometimes pustules on the scalp.

Sun damage, Actinic Keratoses, and Skin Cancer: As we age, our natural sun protection (hair) on the scalp becomes thinner, leading to more sun exposure. Sun damage begins as scaling, and eventually, these develop discrete patches that can evolve, if untreated, into frank skin cancers.

What are the signs and symptoms of Scaling Scalp?

While seborrheic dermatitis can cause varying degrees of scaling throughout the scalp, psoriasis tends to have focal patches of thick and inflamed skin, and specific scaling lesions will be seen in skin cancers and their predecessors. With tinea capitis, the lymph nodes at the base of the scalp and in the neck can be inflamed and felt through the skin.

How are the underlying causes of Scaling Scalp diagnosed?

Commonly, a scaling scalp can be diagnosed based on a visual exam alone. However, if an infection is suspected, this can be confirmed with a fungal culture, which is done by swabbing the involved scalp. If there is concern for skin cancer, a procedure called a skin biopsy will be done to remove all or part of the lesion for microscopic evaluation by a dermatopathologist.

What is the treatment for Scaling Scalp?

The treatment will depend on the diagnosis and can be as simple as working with your provider to find the right prescription topical. Systemic medications can be indicated in certain fungal infections or psoriasis if it involves other body sites. Sun damage and skin cancer on the scalp will be treated more or less aggressively depending on the type. If the scaling is diffuse and consistent with background sun damage and actinic keratoses, they can be treated with light therapy or sometimes topical creams. If it has progressed beyond this stage, Mohs surgery can be done in our office for the most effective treatment with the best cosmetic outcome.

Don't live with a scaling scalp. Make an appointment at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center today by calling the nearest office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

How can we help


Service Offered: Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer and can be dangerous if it's left untreated. Routine skin cancer screenings with one of our expert team members at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center located in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, ensure early detection and treatment to prevent complications. Call our office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Mohs Surgery
Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is a very safe and effective outpatient surgical procedure for removing certain types of skin cancer. This technique focuses on the complete removal of the skin cancer with a cure rate as high as 98-99% depending on the cancer type, size, and location. Our Mohs surgeons, William Gillen and Shields Callahan, MD at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center are fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons located in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. Using a microscope to examine the margins, they can be very precise in determining when the cancer has been removed, thus preserving normal surrounding tissues and allowing the smallest possible surgical wound.

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Service Offered: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a common skin cancer typically on sun-exposed skin that can arise from the pre-cancers, actinic keratoses. Seeking treatment early for any unusual, painful, or non-healing site can prevent serious complications associated with skin cancer. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, William Gillen, MD, Patricia O’Connor, MD, and their team diagnose and treat squamous cell carcinoma by removing skin lesions with surgical techniques, including Mohs surgery, or other more conservative procedures, if appropriate. Call the nearest Richmond-area office today, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, William Gillen, MD, and Patricia O’Connor, MD, offer treatment for this type of cancer that usually appears as a bump or pinkish patch of skin. If you suspect you have basal cell carcinoma or any form of skin cancer, contact the office right away to set up an appointment. Call either Richmond-area office to speak with a team member or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that kills thousands of people each year. William Gillen, MD, Patricia O'Connor, MD, and the team of professionals at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, are committed to finding and diagnosing melanoma at its earliest stages which is crucial for treatment. In these early stages, treatment can be done in our office. When necessary, our skilled providers are experienced in developing interdisciplinary treatment plans. Above all, they are dedicated to educating their patients on skin cancer prevention. Schedule your skin cancer screening today by calling the nearest Richmond-area office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Skin Disorders
Skin Disorders

Skin disorders can look unsightly, be embarrassing, or in some cases, indicate skin cancer. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, William Gillen, MD, Patricia O’Connor, MD, and their experienced team treat lumps, bumps, and rashes in patients of all ages. Call either Richmond-area office to schedule an appointment or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Injectables

If you want to rejuvenate your appearance by minimizing facial wrinkles and fine lines, then injectables may be right for you. Patricia O'Connor, MD, and Eliza Hester PA-C at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center provide high-quality injectables and customized plans for their patients in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. Schedule an injectables consultation today by calling either Richmond-area office, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Psoriasis

Roughly 7.4 million people in the United States are bothered by psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, joints, and less commonly the cardiovascular system. If you have psoriasis, schedule a visit with a member of our general dermatology team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. A group of well-versed providers in the variety of treatment options available for psoriasis and will develop a plan to help you find relief from your condition. Booking an appointment is easy. Simply call the nearest Richmond-area office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes reddened and scaling skin and uncomfortable itching. Occasionally, this broken skin can become infected leading to pain and oozing. Our team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, can help you manage eczematous conditions so you can live as normal and healthy of a life as possible and prevent the flares and infections associated with a broken skin barrier. Call either of the Richmond-area offices today to schedule your appointment and get relief from symptoms or, send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center