Available Services

Service Offered: Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer and can be dangerous if it's left untreated. Routine skin cancer screenings with one of our expert team members at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center located in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, ensure early detection and treatment to prevent complications. Call our office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Mohs Surgery
Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is a very safe and effective outpatient surgical procedure for removing certain types of skin cancer. This technique focuses on the complete removal of the skin cancer with a cure rate as high as 98-99% depending on the cancer type, size, and location. Our Mohs surgeons, William Gillen and Shields Callahan, MD at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center are fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons located in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. Using a microscope to examine the margins, they can be very precise in determining when the cancer has been removed, thus preserving normal surrounding tissues and allowing the smallest possible surgical wound.

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Service Offered: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a common skin cancer typically on sun-exposed skin that can arise from the pre-cancers, actinic keratoses. Seeking treatment early for any unusual, painful, or non-healing site can prevent serious complications associated with skin cancer. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, William Gillen, MD, Patricia O’Connor, MD, and their team diagnose and treat squamous cell carcinoma by removing skin lesions with surgical techniques, including Mohs surgery, or other more conservative procedures, if appropriate. Call the nearest Richmond-area office today, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, William Gillen, MD, and Patricia O’Connor, MD, offer treatment for this type of cancer that usually appears as a bump or pinkish patch of skin. If you suspect you have basal cell carcinoma or any form of skin cancer, contact the office right away to set up an appointment. Call either Richmond-area office to speak with a team member or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that kills thousands of people each year. William Gillen, MD, Patricia O'Connor, MD, and the team of professionals at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, are committed to finding and diagnosing melanoma at its earliest stages which is crucial for treatment. In these early stages, treatment can be done in our office. When necessary, our skilled providers are experienced in developing interdisciplinary treatment plans. Above all, they are dedicated to educating their patients on skin cancer prevention. Schedule your skin cancer screening today by calling the nearest Richmond-area office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Skin Disorders
Skin Disorders

Skin disorders can look unsightly, be embarrassing, or in some cases, indicate skin cancer. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, William Gillen, MD, Patricia O’Connor, MD, and their experienced team treat lumps, bumps, and rashes in patients of all ages. Call either Richmond-area office to schedule an appointment or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Injectables

If you want to rejuvenate your appearance by minimizing facial wrinkles and fine lines, then injectables may be right for you. Patricia O'Connor, MD, and Eliza Hester PA-C at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center provide high-quality injectables and customized plans for their patients in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. Schedule an injectables consultation today by calling either Richmond-area office, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Psoriasis

Roughly 7.4 million people in the United States are bothered by psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, joints, and less commonly the cardiovascular system. If you have psoriasis, schedule a visit with a member of our general dermatology team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. A group of well-versed providers in the variety of treatment options available for psoriasis and will develop a plan to help you find relief from your condition. Booking an appointment is easy. Simply call the nearest Richmond-area office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes reddened and scaling skin and uncomfortable itching. Occasionally, this broken skin can become infected leading to pain and oozing. Our team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, can help you manage eczematous conditions so you can live as normal and healthy of a life as possible and prevent the flares and infections associated with a broken skin barrier. Call either of the Richmond-area offices today to schedule your appointment and get relief from symptoms or, send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a condition in which patients develop recurrent abscesses (boils) in the under arms, groin, or occasionally under the breasts. They are painful and drain and have the potential to form tunnels below the surface of the skin. This condition ranges from manageable to debilitating but there are treatment options! If you are concerned you may have HS, call Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center so our team can properly diagnose and help you manage your condition.

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Service Offered: Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating can occur focally in areas, or can be diffuse throughout the body. No matter where, it can be unsettling and a cause for insecurity and discomfort. If this is something you are concerned about, call either of the Richmond-area offices of Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center so our team can help you.

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Service Offered: Ear Piercing
Ear Piercing

Done in a sterile environment by a professional for a relatively pain-free experience. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center, we use both injected and topical numbing medication prior to placing stainless steel earrings. These earrings are less likely to cause any irritation and therefore create a healthier piercing from the start.

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Service Offered: Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris, or 'chicken skin', are the tiny bumps commonly found on the backs of the upper arms, the tops of the thighs and on the cheeks of younger patients. If you would like to discuss your KP and the treatment options, schedule an apointment with one of our providers at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center.

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Service Offered: Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels

A chemical peel improves the overall texture and tone of your skin and can also restore youthful radiance and glow. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, our team offers medical chemical peels. The customized, high-quality peels enances your look and addresses specific skin concerns, such as discoloration and acne. Call either Richmond-area office today to learn how you can benefit, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Acne

Acne doesn't just affect teenagers; adults can also suffer from the skin condition. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, our general dermatology team provides quality treatment for men, women, and adolescents who have comedones (blackheads), pustules, inflammation, and the residual redness and discoloration caused by acne. Call either Richmond-area office or send us a message on our contact page to discuss how to resolve your acne and the scars it can leave behind. We will work together to develop a skin care routine that best suits you.

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Service Offered: Rosacea

If you suffer from rosacea, you're not alone--an estimated 16 million Americans suffer from the condition, which leaves their skin red and inflamed and, less commonly affects the eyes and enlarges facial features. For help in minimizing your rosacea symptoms, schedule a visit with our team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. Call the nearest Richmond-area office today, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Melasma

If you have blotchy patches of discoloration on your skin, you might be suffering from melasma, a harmless condition that can be nonetheless embarrassing and frustrating. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, our team of dermatology professionals provide expert diagnosis and treatment of melasma using a multifaceted approach to this stubborn skin condition. Schedule your visit today by calling the Richmond-area office nearest you, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Actinic Keratosis
Actinic Keratosis

Prevent skin cancer before it develops into a serious skin condition by addressing lesions called actinic keratosis. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, our team believes an “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment” and our providers are skilled at care options for these precancerous lesions. If you have a suspicious spot on your skin, call the nearest Richmond-area office or book online today for an evaluation or treatment. If you have one or several spots you have noticed, consider that there might be others you haven't noticed that require the attention of a dermatologist. We recommend regular total body skin cancer screenings for this purpose.

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Service Offered: Mole Removal
Mole Removal

Moles are very common and frequently benign. In some cases, however, they can become bothersome or dangerous, in which case you need to get them removed. William Gillen, MD, Patricia O'Connor, MD, and the team of providers at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center offer safe and comfortable mole removal for their patients in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. To schedule your mole removal, call the Richmond-area office nearest you, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Warts

While warts and molluscum aren't necessarily concerning, they're often unsightly or make you feel embarrassed. They can be painful when on sites that endure frequent pressure like the fingers, hands, and feet. Additionally, they are contagious and can continue to spread on your skin and those who you come in contact with frequently. If you have cauliflower-like lesions or a number of small, spreading bumps, Our expert team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, offer solutions. They treat these bumps to stop their spread and give you smooth and healthy skin. Schedule an appointment by calling the nearest Richmond-area office today. Alternatively, you can send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Skin Cancer Treatment
Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. It may be problematic if it's undetected and untreated. If you notice a suspicious-looking skin lesion or are due for an annual skin cancer screening, turn to Patricia O’Connor, MD and the expert team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. They offer advanced and coordinated skin cancer treatments to prevent serious complications and give you the best result. If you've been diagnosed with skin cancer, call the Richmond-area office nearest you or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is usually harmless but can make you feel self-conscious and unattractive. You may have patches of skin that are darker in color than other portions of the surrounding skin, which may be the result of acne scars or sun damage. If you suffer from hyperpigmentation, consult the Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, where our general dermatology team can help you with effective treatments to even out your skin tone and promote a radiant complexion. Call the Richmond-area office nearest you today, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Scar Treatment
Scar Treatment

Scars and keloids can leave you self conscious and affect your confidence, but they don't have to. If you're looking to reduce the appearance of your scars- whether they are large and keloidal scars or ice-pick acne-related scars – schedule a scar visit with our team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia. Book your appointment today by calling the Richmond-area office nearest you or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Cyst

Cysts are common lumps below the surface of your skin. While not dangerous, they can occasionally be painful and drain foul-smelling material. There are several ways to tackle these lumps. Let Patricia O’Connor, MD, and the experienced team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia take care of your cysts today. Book your appointment today by calling the nearest Richmond-area office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Scaling Scalps
Scaling Scalps

Scalps can be scaly for a number of reasons: underlying medical conditions like psoriasis, or fungal infections (ringworm or dandruff), irritation from hair products, or scaling from sun damage, actinic keratoses or skin cancers. It can be associated with itch or tenderness and should be addressed. With so many underlying causes of scaling in the scalp, it’s important to see an expert. Let Patricia O’Connor, MD, and the team at Absolute Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, take care of your scalp. Book your appointment today by calling the Richmond-area office nearest you, or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Itching

Itch (pruritus) can range from a minor nuisance to an irritation so intense it interrupts sleep. The itch can be a symptom of a rash or lesion, or an itch can actually cause a rash from repeated scratching. Don’t let your itch drive you crazy. Book your appointment today at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, and our team of skilled providers take care of you. Call the nearest Richmond-area office or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Toenail Fungus
Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus (otherwise known as onychomycosis) is a common ailment leading to unsightly and difficult to manage, thick nails.

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Service Offered: Hair Loss
Hair Loss

Hair loss includes the thinning, shedding or sudden loss of hair that starts with one or more circular bald patches that may overlap.

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Service Offered: Age Spots
Age Spots

These common lesions are more of a nuisance than a danger.

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Service Offered: CO2 Laser Resurfacing
CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Tetra is a CO2 laser that offers fully customizable skin resurfacing treatments that eliminate signs of aging like wrinkles, sun spots, uneven texture, and age spots for dramatically smoother skin. Tailored to your unique needs, Tetra CO2 laser skin resurfacing works WITH your lifestyle for the radiant results you want but without the downtime, you don't.

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Service Offered: Keloids

Keloids are raised scars, or excess scar tissue, that appear after an injury and spread to involve the skin beyond the initial insult.

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Service Offered: Skin Tags
Skin Tags

Protruding skin tags aren't usually a cause for concern, but they might still embarrass you, and occasionally cause discomfort when they catch on clothing. Patricia O'Connor, MD, and the expert team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, offer simple treatments for skin tag removal to give you the beautifully smooth and comfortable skin you desire. Call the nearest Richmond-area office today or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.

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Service Offered: Excel V
Excel V

At Absolute Dermatology, we are committed to offering the most advanced and effective treatments for your skin concerns. One of our most powerful tools is the Excel V laser, a versatile and cutting-edge technology designed to treat a wide range of skin conditions with precision and safety.

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Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center